
Climbing the Corporate Ladder

Have you ever felt as though you couldn’t catch a break in the corporate world? You work hard every day, trying to be the best employee but nothing ever happens. You start questioning yourself. ” Why are less qualified people getting promotions? Why did I go to school to obtain the proper degrees, only to find out that I am overqualified? WTH. “Should I get another job or start a business to make ends meet?” “What should I do, because things have got to better?” I use to ask myself these questions all of the time while still working in corporate.

The real question is, what are YOU going to do about it? After I had my PITY PARTY, I wrote down all of my goals I would like to accomplish in the corporate world. Often time, we go with the flow, taking a small chance, guaranteed leaps of faith but not indulging ourselves in making significant risks.


There is always a strategy for climbing the corporate ladder. The steps to success in corporate go even further after getting the job. Corporate has a mind of its own and doesn’t always play by the rules you want. The reality you could be doing everything right you, but your competitors are doing more. Are you performing satisfactory or above at work, what can you do to improve those your skills?

Here are a few steps to help climb the ladder:

  • Never stay complacent in a position you do not desire to remain in
  • Make sure you are exceeding in your current position
  • Make your connections
  • Express interest to managers about what you want to do with the company including your skills, talents, education and more
  • Apply for temporary jobs within the company
  • Get a mentor
  • Become a member of corporate groups
  • Attend career seminars
  • Update your resume constantly
  • Craft your skills


How to set yourself apart from your peers: presentation is everything:

  • Change your level of thinking
  • Brand yourself
  • Be consistent
  • Get a personality (what do people think of your character, are you a people person?)
  • Dress for success (are you dressing for the position you want)
  • How do you speak to a customer, clients, colleagues, and managers (your voice tone and the way you deliver a message )
  • Everyone is not your friend: don’t get involved with corporate gossip because it does not help. It’s okay to laugh or even joke at the office but keep in mind you never know who’s listening.
    • Be friendly, but no one should know your business nor if you are trying to move up in the company. Trust me I learned that the hard, because of my bubbly personality I thought I could be friends with everyone (wrong)
  • How do you set yourself apart from your peers? Do you possess a leadership role or are you okay with following the daily employee trend
  • If your employer were to look you up via social media what would they find: create an image worth hiring

When trying to land that dream job, you must be mindful, creative and execute to get the job you want. After exceeding through this checklist, it’s time to meet your manager or send an email to the HR manager. Next express interest to them, see what positions are available because let’s face it nobody goes to college just be in an entry-level position for 30 years.

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