wisdom tree los angeles

Wisdom Tree

The first trip of the year, me and my girls decided to visit Los Angeles, California. I’ve always wanted to visit the Wisdom Tree, a place where people come from all over the world to leave inspirational messages, prayers, and more. Being the southern gal I am, I thought it shouldn’t be that hard. I have walked around, up and down Stone Mountain. LOL. Wrong, this trail was nothing like it.

Approaching the starting point I was and contemplating how I can get out of this. 5,4,3,2,1… I was in too deep to turn around. Up the trail we go, for some strange reason, my friends didn’t tell me they were professional hikers lol, not to mention our nurse said she was off the clock. Lol.

Mid-point of this journey I was approached by a couple of people who provided me with some water, obvious the Lord sent them because “Chile,” I was about to fall out. Just a few more steps and I’m almost there. YAYYYYYYY, I made it to the TOP. Although the journey getting here was a challenge, I overcame FEAR.

There were plenty of times I was yelling to my friends “I’m going to meet Y’all” deep down inside I wanted to turn around, but I was almost there, I couldn’t give up, and they wouldn’t let me quit.

Walking this trail was everything, and I’m glad that my girls were there with me. No matter how tough the journey may be, and even when you feel as though you are about to turn around, there is always someone there waiting to put you back on track. Do not give up; you’re almost there.

PS. First timers- Please have proper shoes; light clothing (there is no shade), plenty of water, and a excellent playlist of music.

This is how I felt when I finally hit the top of the mountain


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